Ocean Protect are excited to announce the official release of the consultation draft of the WSUD Maintenance Compliance Framework!
The Framework is a package of information, resources, and tools that councils across Australia can use to implement WSUD maintenance compliance programs. A WSUD maintenance compliance program will help councils and private asset owners meet their legal maintenance requirements for the WSUD systems they own and manage. The Framework is now open for consultation over the next 4 months, until Monday 19th August 2024.
The project has been led by Ocean Protect’s Water Sensitive Urban Design Specialist Daniel Rider and has in-principle support from Stormwater NSW, Stormwater Queensland, Cooks River Alliance, and Optimal Stormwater. Daniel Rider announced the release of the project consultation draft at Franc.Sydney 2024.
To get access to the Framework visit the WSUD Maintenance Compliance Framework website.
Join us for these upcoming events for more details:
• Online Meeting – National WSUD Compliance Network on 24th April.
• Webinar: Beneath the Surface of the WSUD Maintenance Compliance on 9th May.
• Webinar: Law & Order – WSUD Asset Maintenance on 30th May.
For more information contact Daniel at enquiries@wsudcompliance.com.au or call 1300 354 722.