Knowledge Centre

76% of Australians don't know that stormwater is the biggest source of plastic pollution for oceans

In 2019, we commissioned a third party researcher to survey 1,000 Australian adults. Part of the research found that 76 per cent of Aussies don’t know that stormwater is the biggest source of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. With knowledge comes power to change so educating Australians on the health of their oceans is a key focus area for Ocean Protect.

To educate the community and stormwater industry, we also do a range of other activities and work. See the below list for more information about these activities and work.


There is so much to know about stormwater and the ocean, and here are some of the key facts you need to know.


With so much happening in the stormwater and ocean space, we have created a space to curate all the important news for you.


To help keep you up to date with everything Ocean Protect, stormwater and the ocean, we have a monthly newsletter for you. Come to this page to sign up for it.


Insert some text here that provides context to the Resources

Social media

Insert some text here that provides context to the sorts of platforms we are on


Ocean Protect hosts a podcast with a variety of guests, including scientists, engineers, and activists, to discuss the key issues affecting the health of our oceans and what can be done about it.


Ocean Protect hosts regular webinars with a range of guests to discuss the key issues and topics related to stormwater and our oceans.



Ocean Protect host regular events aimed at knowledge sharing with industry experts on a range of topics related to stormwater and our oceans.